Module gr_blade_position

gr_blade_position - a GRToolbox module
Change the blade position according to the scale facter,
the angle and the difference in the nose point.
All values are relative to the chord length that must
be defined in the first set.
-[scale angle dx dyh o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-scale double Scalefactor in percent.
-dx double New Nose x-coordinate. If not specified, x1 coordinate will be taken.
-dy double New Nose y-coordinate. If not specified, y1 coordinate will be taken.
-angle double Rotation for blade in degree.
-x double Origin for rotation.
-y double Origin for rotation.
Example Input Data:
@title gr_blade_position: No test data available
Example Output Data:
@title gr_blade_position: No test data available

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