Module gr_del_point

gr_del_point - a GRToolbox module
Delete points with certain given values.
-[eps x y z 0 1 ... n x+ y+ z + 0+ 1+ ... n+ x- y- z- 0- 1- ... n-h o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-eps double Epsilon accuracy. (Default : 0)
-0eps double Epsilon accuracy in 1. coordinate.
-1eps double Epsilon accuracy in 2. coordinate.
-neps double Epsilon accuracy in (n+1). coordinate.
-eps0 double Epsilon accuracy in 1. coordinate.
-eps1 double Epsilon accuracy in 2. coordinate.
-epsn double Epsilon accuracy in (n+1). coordinate.
-xeps double Epsilon accuracy in x-direction.
-yeps double Epsilon accuracy in y-direction.
-zeps double Epsilon accuracy in z-direction.
-0 double Delete point, if 1. coordinate is equal.
-1 double Delete point, if 2. coordinate is equal.
-n double Delete point, if (n+1). coordinate is equal.
-0+ double Delete point, if 1. coordinate is higher.
-1+ double Delete point, if 2. coordinate is higher.
-n+ double Delete point, if (n+1). coordinate is higher.
-0- double Delete point, if 1. coordinate is lower.
-1- double Delete point, if 2. coordinate is lower.
-n- double Delete point, if (n+1). coordinate is lower.
-x double Delete point, if x coordinate is equal.
-y double Delete point, if y coordinate is equal.
-z double Delete point, if z coordinate is equal.
-x+ double Delete point, if x coordinate is higher.
-y+ double Delete point, if y coordinate is higher.
-z+ double Delete point, if z coordinate is higher.
-x- double Delete point, if x coordinate is lower.
-y- double Delete point, if y coordinate is lower.
-z- double Delete point, if z coordinate is lower.
If more then one value is specified, all conditions of a
point must be satisfied to delete the point.
Example Input Data:
1 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
2 1
1 0
3 4
5 2
8 0
10 3
0 1
2 3
3 4
4 9
Example Output Data:
1 1
1 1
1 1
2 1
3 4
5 2
10 3
2 3
3 4
4 9

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