Module gr_pts2mcads

gr_pts2mcads - a GRToolbox module
Converts xvgr-point files to megacads2.0.
-[rx ry rz sx sy sz tx ty tz ux uy uzh o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-rx double Scale factor in x-direction, all sets
-rxn double Scale factor in x-direction, n-th sets
-sx double Scale factor in x-direction, all sets
-sxn double Scale factor in x-direction, n-th sets
-tx double Translation in x-direction, all sets
-txn double Translation in x-direction, n-th sets
-ux double Rotation Mid Point(?), x-direction, all sets
-uxn double Rotation Mid Point(?), n-th sets
\ntSame for y,z coordinates
Example Input Data:
@title "gr_pts2mcads: No test data available"
Example Output Data:
@title "gr_pts2mcads: No test data available"
#Number of data sets in this file

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