Module gr_rotate

gr_rotate - a GRToolbox module
Rotation of 2 or 3D point data.
The center of the rotation will be moved to the given
rotation center before calculation and returnd afterwords
-[tx ty tz a b c alpha beta gamma
h o v noc nof now skip f m c e i s l]
-help For help on all options.
Special Options:
-a double Alpha in arclength. Angle for rotation in xy-plane.
-b double Beta in arclength. Angle for rotation in xz-plane.
-g double Gamma in arclength. Angle for rotation in yz-plane.
-alpha double Alpha degree. Angle for rotation in xy-plane
-beta double Beta in degree. Angle for rotation in xz-plane.
-gamma double Gamma in degree. Angle for rotation in yz-plane.
-x double X-coordinate of rotation center.
-y double Y-coordinate of rotation center.
-z double Z-coordinate of rotation center.
Example Input Data:
0 0
0 1
0 0
1 0
Example Output Data:
0 0
0 1
0 0
1 0

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