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Software Development:

I'm member in the Java User Group Deutschland .
Take a look at some of my Applets on my Java Page. You'll find some documentation there as well.

My Java Tutorial The third part of it was held on the 1. German Java Developers Conference. It's a little old now, but may still be a good help for beginners.

Parallel Computers and PThread programming. (German only)
GRToolbox: Programs for modifying point sets in ASCII-Format.

GRTool Box The GRTool Box contains a lot of small programs operations on xy(z)- point data. The programs can be combined via pipes to perform complex operatios on the data sets. The toolbox contains small programms for splining, sorting, smoothening and for calculation of BSplines, NURBS and more...

List of tools and programs I use.
last update: Fri 30 Apr 1999 01:37:15 PM MET DST